Monday, October 10, 2011

Movies in the PIRC Lab at Dobson & Southern Campus

Hey there guys and gals,

Attached below is the information for this Friday's movie in the PIRC, forwarded by the PIRC Advisor. CHECK IT OUT!! (Remember, this is an extra credit opportunity! Red Mountain Students... If you wanted to rent this video independently, then write a response on it, I'd be down to accept that...)

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month.  The Women & Gender Studies committee has a series of lectures aound this topic this week in LB145. It has been suggested that we show a movie that deals with Domestic Violence, so we have chosen the Emmy & Golden Globe award winning Burning Bed. I have it on excellent authority that it is one of the best movies on DV.

Place: PIRC Lab, AD2 (@ Dobson & Southern)
Time: Noon, and 2p
Date: Friday, October 14th 

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