Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Wild Child - "Genie" Extra Credit

*Update: The links have been updated, as it appears the previous host from the videos was shut down. My apologies for the gap in availability. The new host is good to go!* 

Hey guys and gals,

Thanks so much for your patience while I scoured the internet for the Genie videos. For *10* points of Extra Credit, watch the following videos and write a 1-2 page response. (This is a bit of a time investment. There are 6 parts to this NOVA episode. Each one is 7-8 minutes long.)

Nova Part 1
Nova Part 2
Nova Part 3
Nova Part 4
Nova Part 5
Nova Part 6

Be sure to address the following issues...

Do you think similar cases still occur?
Do you think with the improvement in technology we could better assist individuals like Genie?
Does Genie's case provide ample support for the presence of "critical periods?"
How might you compare the theories of Piaget and his contemporaries with the case of Genie?

For a more recent account of the Genie case, read this ABC article: Genie


  1. Hey Lauren,

    Just so you know the Genie videos don't work. It said the account was terminated or something.

    Samantha F.

  2. Hi Samantha,

    The links have been updated! Thanks so much for the message! Give them another try!

