Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The END is near!

(photo via pinterest.com)

Oh boy!!

We're very close to the end, my friends. We have just two short weeks left together, and then you will all vanish into your bright futures! With that said, I'd like to encourage you to really be on top of your game. Plan ahead, just like we've discussed in class. Don't put off anything until tomorrow if you can do it today!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Major Assignments for PSY101
- Exam 6 (Chapter 14 + Supplemental Materials)
- Extra Credit (Pioneer Paper, PsychTrek, Test Corrections, MCC Events)
- Empirical Research Study

Major Assignments for PSY156
- Your final paper is due on 12/6 or 12/8. (I'll accept it for full credit on either day.)
- Your final exam (if you're not exempt)

For ALL Psych Classes - check out your attendance to see if you're eligible to have your lowest score dropped (PSY101), or if  you're exempt from the final (PSY156). You should start organizing your extracurricular events if you'd like to make-up some absences.

Thanks, thanks, thanks!!


PSY101 Last Extra Credit Opportunity Available!!!

Hi all,

Here are the details you've been waiting for...

For 20 points of extra credit, you must submit a TWO PAGE paper (TYPED [I will not accept hand written], double spaced, 12 pt font, Times New Roman) highlighting and describing a pioneer in the field of Psychology.

You should spend one paragraph (your introduction) identifying the pioneer (Bandura, Freud, Skinner - DO NOT use one of these) and his/her major accomplishments.

In your second and third paragraphs (body), you should describe their major projects and/or findings (The Skinner Box, Psychoanalysis, Bobo Doll). You should DEFINITELY mention critiques and praise of this researcher's work. (Remember the basis of peer reviewed - empirically based research. We are nothing if our peers do not review our work and ask questions, point out weaknesses and points of improvement.)

In your fourth (and final) paragraph, you should describe further areas of research, even identifying where other pioneers have continued on in his or her footsteps.

This should take you no more than 30 minutes to draft and 30 minutes to edit and tweak. I want to see EVERYTHING you've learned this semester come to a peak in this SHORT 2 page paper. We've discussed so many researchers in the field, you should have no problem working through this.

I urge you to submit a quality product. Show me how the study of the mind and behavior has shaped your understanding.

This will be due in class with your final exam!

Questions? Holler!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Hi guys and gals,

WE WILL HAVE CLASS ON WEDNESDAY, the 23rd. You will have a substitute for a group project. The substitute will likely take attendance.Not to fret however, as many of you have mentioned you'll be out of town for the holiday.

Have a WONDERFUL HOLIDAY BREAK! See you next week!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Counseling Department Contact Numbers

Happy Thursday!

While we start to wind down the semester, I'd like to remind you that services are available if you need to talk to somebody...

Red Mountain Counseling Department: 480.654.7210, PV221 (Palo Verde Building)
Dobson & Southern Counseling Department: 480.461.7588, Building 36

PSY101, Exam 5 is APPROACHING!

Hey there guys and gals,

Exam 5 (Chapters 10, 12, and 13) is quickly approaching. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the Study Guide or Take Home Questions.

In addition, you SHOULD SERIOUSLY consider the chart posted below. You'll DEFINITELY see it on your test. ALSO, you SHOULD SERIOUSLY consider the following...

In two to three sentences,  compare two of the stages – how are they similar, how are they different? (E.g. “In the Ego Integrity vs. Despair stage developed by _____, individuals are facing the challenge of viewing their lives as satisfactory and worth living – focusing on personal achievements and successes. Alternatively, in the Maturity stage suggested by _____, individuals have reached a stage of sexual health and great pleasure, characterized as mutual respect between partners.”

Perhaps if you respnded to this question AT HOME and BROUGHT the answer in with you on test day, I'd ACCEPT IT AS EXTRA CREDIT... Think about it... :)


Monday, November 7, 2011

How is YOUR attendance??

(photo via postsecret.com)

Hey there guys and gals,

It's official, the attendance log has been loaded to WebCT. Check to see if you're eligible to have your lowest score dropped (PSY101), or if you're exempt (PSY156). Recall, "Y" means YES and "N" means NO. You should contact me if you see something you didn't expect.

Also, there will be NO class on Friday due to the observance of Veteran's Day. Have a wonderful 3 day weekend!
