Thursday, November 17, 2011

PSY101, Exam 5 is APPROACHING!

Hey there guys and gals,

Exam 5 (Chapters 10, 12, and 13) is quickly approaching. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the Study Guide or Take Home Questions.

In addition, you SHOULD SERIOUSLY consider the chart posted below. You'll DEFINITELY see it on your test. ALSO, you SHOULD SERIOUSLY consider the following...

In two to three sentences,  compare two of the stages – how are they similar, how are they different? (E.g. “In the Ego Integrity vs. Despair stage developed by _____, individuals are facing the challenge of viewing their lives as satisfactory and worth living – focusing on personal achievements and successes. Alternatively, in the Maturity stage suggested by _____, individuals have reached a stage of sexual health and great pleasure, characterized as mutual respect between partners.”

Perhaps if you respnded to this question AT HOME and BROUGHT the answer in with you on test day, I'd ACCEPT IT AS EXTRA CREDIT... Think about it... :)


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