Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The END is near!

(photo via pinterest.com)

Oh boy!!

We're very close to the end, my friends. We have just two short weeks left together, and then you will all vanish into your bright futures! With that said, I'd like to encourage you to really be on top of your game. Plan ahead, just like we've discussed in class. Don't put off anything until tomorrow if you can do it today!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Major Assignments for PSY101
- Exam 6 (Chapter 14 + Supplemental Materials)
- Extra Credit (Pioneer Paper, PsychTrek, Test Corrections, MCC Events)
- Empirical Research Study

Major Assignments for PSY156
- Your final paper is due on 12/6 or 12/8. (I'll accept it for full credit on either day.)
- Your final exam (if you're not exempt)

For ALL Psych Classes - check out your attendance to see if you're eligible to have your lowest score dropped (PSY101), or if  you're exempt from the final (PSY156). You should start organizing your extracurricular events if you'd like to make-up some absences.

Thanks, thanks, thanks!!


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