Thursday, September 29, 2011

PSY156 Students - Next Tuesday, the 4th = BIG DAY

Hey guys and gals,

Next Tuesday is a BIG DAY. You have the following assignments due...

EA1 (Hospice Speaker response)
3 Resources & Outline for final paper

Also, you should begin reading Randy Pausch's Last Lecture, as we will be beginning our discussion on that on Tuesday as well.

PSY101 - Extra Credit for UNIT III Exam (Chapters 5-7)

Hi Guys and Gals,

Attached below are a few videos regarding false confessions. We will be discussing the relevance of these in Chapter 6 - Memory. (We'll visit them AGAIN when we discuss Forensic Psychology at the end of the semester.)

For 10 points of extra credit...

First, watch these TWO videos regarding False Confessions and Eyewitness (Mis)Identification.

Then, read THIS article on the Innocence Project Website... (You should peruse the website a bit! VERY INTERESTING STUFF!!)

Write a 1 page summary (12 point font, double spaced) on your findings. Include a summary, questions, opinions, recommendations for research.

And be sure to answer these questions...

1. Do you think False Confessions are really possible?
2. Do the physiological implications of memory provide ample support for the presence of False Confessions?

For an EXTRA 3 points...

3. Jump on Google and research "The Central Park Jogger." Explain how the Central Park Jogger case relates to False Confessions & Eyewitness Mid-Identifications.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

No Class for MWF students today. Crappy news.

Hey there guys and gals,

Class has been cancelled today - MWF students only. My sincerest apologies for the late notice. As you can see, I was greeted with a wonderful surprise as I attempted to leave for campus this morning.

We'll return on Friday to finish up Chapter 5 and REALLY RACE through Chapter 6. In order to be fully prepared, please read Chapter 6 before arriving on Friday.

Also, Honors Psych students, please contact me via email at...



Friday, September 23, 2011

PSY101 Scores ALMOST up! - Update

Hey guys and gals,

Please be patient as I try to get scores up on WebCT. For whatever reason, I'm having a hard time accessing the grade book due to some website maintenance.

Thank you!

Update as of 10:02p:
All scores have been loaded for my TR class. Still, I am having trouble accessing the grade book for my MWF class. Hang tight!!! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

PSY 101 Scores will be up by tomorrow night!

Scroll all the way down! This will make you smile!

(photo via

Alrighty, so here's the dish. Your exam scores will be up and ready by tomorrow night, September 23. No later than 5p, I would say!

Have a wonderful end of the week, and I'll catch ya on the flip!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

PSY 101 - Exam this week

Hey guys and gals,

You have your 2nd exam this week (tomorrow for MWF students and Thursday for TR students), covering Chapters 3 and 4...

As usual, there will be two extra credit questions.

You should review transcendental meditation.

You should watch this video (it's only a minute long!) and pay special attention to the prevalence of OSA.

Happy Studying!

Class Today - Tuesday, September 20

(photo via
How RAD is this??

Hey guys and gals,

Bad news. I am VERY ill. So, you'll have a substitute in class today. My sincerest apologies for being MIA the day before a test and an in - class debate. I'm confident you'll do great!

PSY101 students, 

You'll be wrapping up Chapter 4 (States of Consciousness). Your syllabus notes a "group project." This was a group meditation we were going to do. I'll post these articles on WebCT for your review. Your exam is STILL scheduled for Thursday. Be sure to have the following ready to turn in:
- ERS #2
- Take Home Questions

If you have questions regarding the study guide, please email me. I'm happy to discuss your responses.

PSY156 students, 

You'll be given time to  prep for your debate on Thursday. (Presence of organ donation among Death Row Inmates), then don't forget to do the...
Joke of the day TODAY (9/20): Rhonda Lilly

Coming up on Thursday, September 22:
Personal Stories: Lucy Monreal, Ashley Albrecht, Leandra Wright
In Class Debate (1 - Deciding Party, 2..., 3...)
Joke of the Day: Amineh Hashem

As always, shoot me a message if you have questions. This lady will be RAWRING to go on Thursday, after visiting the doctor this afternoon.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Test Corrections FAQ

PSY 101 Students,

Here are a few FAQ's regarding your test corrections from Unit 1:

Q: Where can I make test corrections?
A: If you're a Red Mountain Student, 2nd floor of the Desert Willow Building. Visit somebody at the testing center desk. If you're a Dobson & Southern Student, The PIRC Lab (AD2).

Q: What do I need?
A: Your graded scantron and a picture ID

Q: What should I do?
A: You need to re-write each question that you missed, then write the correct answer. The goal is to correct the information in your mind.

Q: When is it due?
A: On your next test day, Chapters 3 & 4 in this case.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

PSY101 - Blind Spot Test

(photo via

Hey guys and gals,

Attached below is the blind-spot test we discussed briefly in class. We'll revisit it again tomorrow!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, September 9, 2011

PSY 101 Multiple Choice Scores Up!


Hey guys and gals,

Your multiple choice scores are up for the Unit 1 Exam. You can see the column statistics... The class average fell in the 'D' range. But, not to worry! You will have the opportunity to make-up some of those points!

Starting on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 (for Red Mountain) and TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 (for Dobson & Southern)...

Visit the 2nd floor of the Desert Willow Building (for Red Mountain students) or the PIRC Tutor Lab (For Dobson & Southern Students) and make test corrections...

You'll have to present your graded scantron to a library attendant (Red Mountain) or a tutor (Dobson & Southern) and they'll giev you a copy of the test. Outline each mistake you made by writing the question and the correct response. The goal is to correct the information in your mind! :)

Submit your corrections on the next test day and get 5 points back on your test. (SERIOUSLY, that easy!)

Let me know if you have questions!



Monday, September 5, 2011


(photo via

Hey guys and gals,

Your first exam is this week. Be prepared to turn in the following items on your test day... I prefer not accept electronic submissions, as I would like to provide feedback on your work.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Your Test is on Wednesday, the 7th
Tuesday/Thursday - Your Test is on Thursday, the 8th

Empirical Research Study #1:
You may use an article I posted on WebCT, or you can find your own using the Library Link to the right...
Be sure to print off the first page of the article so I know what you're summarizing...
Articles must be empirical! No newspaper clippings, Wikipedia, etc.
Please type them, print them, and turn in on test day

Take Home Questions:
Please type them, print them, bring them into class

Extra Credit: 
If you completed any extra credit for this unit, turn it in.

Please note: I do NOT accept late work. So if you don't complete the ERS#1, or the Take Home questions, no credit will be given.


You should review Kate's slides (our guest speaker), particularly slides 23 - 26. Her slides are posted on WebCT. (If you're not on WebCT yet, you should get on it immediately.)