Thursday, September 29, 2011

PSY101 - Extra Credit for UNIT III Exam (Chapters 5-7)

Hi Guys and Gals,

Attached below are a few videos regarding false confessions. We will be discussing the relevance of these in Chapter 6 - Memory. (We'll visit them AGAIN when we discuss Forensic Psychology at the end of the semester.)

For 10 points of extra credit...

First, watch these TWO videos regarding False Confessions and Eyewitness (Mis)Identification.

Then, read THIS article on the Innocence Project Website... (You should peruse the website a bit! VERY INTERESTING STUFF!!)

Write a 1 page summary (12 point font, double spaced) on your findings. Include a summary, questions, opinions, recommendations for research.

And be sure to answer these questions...

1. Do you think False Confessions are really possible?
2. Do the physiological implications of memory provide ample support for the presence of False Confessions?

For an EXTRA 3 points...

3. Jump on Google and research "The Central Park Jogger." Explain how the Central Park Jogger case relates to False Confessions & Eyewitness Mid-Identifications.

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