Monday, September 5, 2011


(photo via

Hey guys and gals,

Your first exam is this week. Be prepared to turn in the following items on your test day... I prefer not accept electronic submissions, as I would like to provide feedback on your work.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Your Test is on Wednesday, the 7th
Tuesday/Thursday - Your Test is on Thursday, the 8th

Empirical Research Study #1:
You may use an article I posted on WebCT, or you can find your own using the Library Link to the right...
Be sure to print off the first page of the article so I know what you're summarizing...
Articles must be empirical! No newspaper clippings, Wikipedia, etc.
Please type them, print them, and turn in on test day

Take Home Questions:
Please type them, print them, bring them into class

Extra Credit: 
If you completed any extra credit for this unit, turn it in.

Please note: I do NOT accept late work. So if you don't complete the ERS#1, or the Take Home questions, no credit will be given.


You should review Kate's slides (our guest speaker), particularly slides 23 - 26. Her slides are posted on WebCT. (If you're not on WebCT yet, you should get on it immediately.)


  1. hi lauren. this is monica montoya from your t-th 1:30pm understanding death and dying class. i'm really confused... i don't remember you mentioning this empirical research study. is this for us or one of your other classes?

  2. This posting is for PSY101 students only. They have a test this week, not PSY156.


